

Our pirate-themed Golden Week park event for the elementary schoolers was packed with fun and active English games, songs, and challenges!


We warmed up with some stretching, imitating animals, and fancy dance moves (courtesy of Sam, our dance-teacher extraordinaire). The favorite move of the day was definitely “walk like an Egyptian”!

ストレッチや動物の真似、素敵なダンス(サム先生の得意分野です!)でウォーミングアップをしました。みんなのお気に入りのダンスは、“walk like an Egyptian”(エジプト人のように歩く)でした!

After we were fully stretched, we set the children a challenge! Teamwork was the key in this lifeboat race. They had to figure out how to get their “boat” to the “shore” without anyone stepping foot in the shark infested waters. From taking turns moving forward, to random shuffling, to counts of “1, 2, 3, go!”, we saw a variety of different strategies. Well done everyone! Nice creativity!

みんなでストレッチをした後、子どもたちにはある挑戦をしてもらいました!それは、チームワークが鍵になるライフボートレースというアクティビティをしました。サメがいる水に誰も足を踏み入れずに、自分たちのボートをどうやったら沖まで持っていけるかを考えなければいけませんでした。交代しながら順番に前へ進んだり、ランダムにメンバーの入れ替えをしたり、“1, 2, 3, go!”で一斉に渡ったりなど、様々な作戦を見ることができました。みんな良くできましたね!クリエイティブでよかったです!

“Aye aye, Captain!” The kids had to listen carefully to Captain Sam’s instructions on this pirate ship. One false step and you might find yourself walking the plank! Captain Sam had us running from his ship to his island, to acting like a one-legged pirate. It was a very active game!

“Aye aye, Captain!”(アイ、アイ、キャプテン!)この海賊船の上では、子どもたちはキャプテンサムの言うことをよく聞かなくてはいけません。一歩間違えると大変です!キャプテンサムは船から彼の島まで、片足の海賊のふりをして渡らせました。とってもアクティブなゲームでしたね!

Can you tell what sea creature this song and dance are about? It’s a jellyfish! As the song built up, we got our whole bodies into it. Who do you think captured the spirit of the jellyfish best?


In this game of action-telephone, a secret phrase was whispered from ear to ear. Would the last person in the circle be able to do the correct action? The kids managed it nearly perfectly, but one round was flubbed up by a teacher who got the secret message wrong! Oops, sorry kids! This was a really great chance for our students to prove to themselves that they really can communicate in English! They did a fantastic job!

We really challenged the elementary school kids with some difficult games and puzzles, but they rose to meet every challenge, and blew us away with their great attitudes and effort. It was loads of fun, and everyone was ready for some well-earned rest after our adventures on the high seas! Until next time, mateys!


私たちは、小学生の生徒に本当に難しいゲームやパズルの挑戦をしてもらったのですが、みんなその挑戦を楽しく受け入れてくれました。その素晴らしい姿勢と努力に非常に驚かされました。本当に楽しい時間を過ごすことができ、私たちの用意した海の上のアドベンチャーの後は、みんな汗びっしょりでした! また次の機会も楽しみにしていてね!