
パークイベント第二弾♪ Class in the Grass

先月、木場公園でグノキッズでは、2度目のアウトドアレッスン「Class in the Grass」が開催されました。すばらしい天候に恵まれて、先生も生徒もアウトドアレッスンをとても楽しみました!


Last month, we had our second “Class in the Grass” event in Kiba Park. It was a beautiful day, and both teachers and students were very excited to have an outdoor lesson! We had two classes: a Pre-school nature themed class and an Elementary pirate themed class.



生徒は「My name is… 」というフレーズを使用しました。たくさんのお友達(初めて会うお友達もいました。)やお父さん、お母さんの前でもスムーズに自己紹介をすることができて、とても素晴らしかったです!みんな、よくできました!

In the pre-school class, we started by introducing ourselves. Students used the phrase “My name is…” It was great to see how smoothly everyone could say this sentence even in front of so many new friends and parents! Well done, everyone!

次にパラシュートゲームをしました。生徒は 「1,2,3 under !」の掛け声で、一気にパラシュートの下に潜り込みました。

Next we played some parachute games. The students were all keen to hide under the parachute so we practiced “1, 2, 3 under!”

その後、私たちは “「Isn’t it Funny how a Bear Loves Honey?」というゲームをプレイしました。これはイギリスの小学校で行われている人気の遊びです。このゲームは、円の真ん中で眠っているクマから蜂蜜を盗み、クマに捕まる前に自分の場所に戻るというルールです!みんなとても速かったので、かわいそうなコージ先生グマとブロック先生グマは捕まえることができませんでした!

After that, we played a game called “Isn’t it Funny how a Bear Loves Honey?” This is a popular game played at elementary schools in England. The object of the game is to steal the honey from the sleeping bear in the middle of the circle and get back to your seat before the bear catches you! Everyone was so fast that poor Koji bear and Brock bear had no chance of catching them!


Next, we did some phonics activities! We showed the students three-letter words, with one letter missing. The teachers sounded out the word and the students had to run to the ABC mat of the missing letter. This meant that students needed to know the letter sound and recognise the letter shape to solve the question. This was quite a challenging activity, but they worked well in their teams to answer everything! Great work!

この日最も人気だったゲームは、「What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?」という、西洋でもとても人気のあるゲームでした。このゲームでは、1人の生徒がオオカミとして行動し、他の生徒は時間を尋ねます。オオカミが「5 o’clock」と答えるならば、生徒は5歩進んで、オオカミに近づくことができます。生徒が十分に近づくと、オオカミは「Dinner time!」と叫んで、生徒を追いかけます!


The most popular game of the day was “What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?”, another popular game in many Western countries. In this game, one child acts as the wolf and the others take turns asking the time. Everyone asks , “What’s the Time, Mr Wolf? ” If the wolf says it is ‘5 o’clock’ everyone can take 5 steps forward, closer to the wolf. When the children get close enough, the wolf calls “Dinner Time!” and chases after all the children! It’s a fantastic game for helping students practice the numbers 1-12. The students were all very keen to take on the role of the wolf. Unfortunately we ran out of time before lunch and not everyone got a chance. Sorry! Hopefully you can teach your friends and play again next time you go to the park!

What’s the Time Mr Wolf 」の後は、ランチタイムでした! みんな素敵なお弁当を持ってきて、一緒にピクニックを楽しみました。生徒みんなと話し、お父さんお母さんにお会いできることはとでも素晴らしいことでした! プリスクールクラスのアウトドアレッスンに参加してくれたみなさん、本当にありがとうございました。

After playing ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ it was lunchtime! Everyone brought lovely packed lunches and enjoyed a big picnic together. It was great to speak to all the students and to meet so many parents! Thank you again to everyone who came to the Pre-school class.


プリスクールのレッスンの後は、小学生クラスのレッスンです。「Aye Aye Captain」と呼ばれるアクティブなゲームから始めました。コージ先生が海賊船長役で、生徒は彼の指示に耳を傾け、正しい行動をとらなければなりません。彼が「ship,」と言ったら、学生は船に乗らなければなりません。 彼が「attention,」と言ったら、彼らは「Aye Aye Captain!」と言わなければなりませんでした。

海賊船長コージは、とても速く指示を出しましたが、生徒は正しい行動をとっているので、指示を止めるようなことはありません。彼らのリスニング力と理解力はすばらしく、しかも、まったく疲れていないようでした! よくできたぞ、海賊たち!

After the Pre-school lesson, we had the Elementary lesson. We started with an active game called “Aye Aye Captain”. Koji took on the role of the lead pirate! Students had to listen to his commands and do the right action. If he said “ship,” the students had to run to the ship. If he said “attention,” they had to say “Aye Aye Captain!” Koji gave very fast commands, but nothing seemed to stop the students doing the right action. Their listening and comprehension was fantastic and they didn’t seem to get tired at all! Well-done pirates!

海中テーマの一環として、私たちの好きな曲「The Jellyfish」を復習しました。 生徒はジェスチャーや言葉を忘れておらず、一緒に歌うことができました。みんな、とっても上手でしたよ!

As part of our underwater theme, we reviewed one of our favourite songs, “The Jellyfish”. It seemed that the students hadn’t forgotten the gestures or words and were happy to sing along with us! Great singing everyone!

歌の後、「Weird Sea Creatures」という本を読みました。 それは海底深くに住んでいる変な魚でいっぱいでした。生徒はみんなとても注意深く耳を傾け、たくさんの新しい事実を学ぶことができました。 海の変な生き物をどれだけ好きだったのか分かりませんが、その本は想像力を惹きたてたようです。生徒に「Do you like this fish?」と尋ねたところ、答えは、たいてい「No, I don’t!」になってしまいました。

After the song, we read a book called Weird Sea Creatures. It was full of strange fish that live deep down at the bottom of the ocean. The students all listened very carefully and were able to learn a lot of new facts. The book seemed to capture their imagination, though I’m not sure how much the students liked the weird sea creatures! When we asked the students, “Do you like this fish?” the answer was usually, “No, I don’t!”

本を読んだ後、 “Please、Mr Shark”というゲームをしました。 このゲームは私たちの服の色に関するものでした。レギュラーレッスンのテーマ、スーパーヒーロープロジェクトの「私はピンクのTシャツを着ています!」というセンテンスの復習です。生徒は「Please, Mr Shark. May I cross the sea? If not, why not, what colour should it be?」というセンテンスを使って、海を渡るにはどの色の服を着たらいいのかを知ろうとします。生徒がこの長いフレーズをとても早く聞き覚えたことは本当に印象的でした。

After reading our book, we played a game called “Please, Mr Shark”. This game was all about the colour of our clothes. We reviewed the sentence “I’m wearing a pink T-shirt!” from our superhero project. The students had to use the sentence “Please, Mr Shark. May I cross the sea? If not, why not, what colour should it be?” in order to find out which colour clothing was allowed into the sea. It was really impressive how quickly the students picked up this very long phrase. Well done everyone!

このゲームの後はスナックタイム(軽食の時間)でした! みんなとても心優しくて、先生においしいおやつをくれました。スナックタイムは生徒一人一人と話せる素晴らしい機会でした。このイベントは、みんなが同じ校舎の生徒ではありませんので、先生は、毎週レッスンでやるウォームアップクエスチョンをたくさん聞いて、生徒のことを知ることができました。生徒が、どこに住んでいるのか、どこの学校に行っているのかについての質問にスムーズに答えられることを両親に見せることができました。すばらしい出来でした!

After this game it was time for some snacks! All the elementary students were very kind, offering up their delicious treats to the teachers. Snack time was also a brilliant opportunity to talk to each of the students about themselves. As not all the teachers and students were from the same school, teachers could get to know the students by asking a lot of the warm up questions that we practice each week in class. Students were able to show their parents how smoothly they could answer questions about where they live and where they go to school. Super work!

最後のゲームは「Who Has the Jewel?」というゲームです。このゲームは、みんなが知っている「Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?」と同じようなゲームです。生徒は、グループ内の誰が宝石を持っているかを推測します。彼らはみんな真顔のままで、宝石を持っていたとしても答えを漏らさないという素晴らしい演技をしました。誰が宝石を持っているのかを推測することがとても難しかったようで、”Koji has jewel”というフレーズを使用する場面が多くありました!

The last game of the day was called “Who Has the Jewel?” This game is the same as “Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?” which many students know. Students have to guess who among the group has the jewel in their hands. They all did a great job keeping a straight face and not giving away the answer if they had the jewel. This meant students had lots of opportunities to use the phrase “Koji has the jewel”, as it was very difficult to guess who exactly had the jewel!



Thank you to all the elementary students and parents who came to the event. We had a lot of fun learning with you. We hope you enjoyed learning and playing lots of new playground games! If you were unable to come to the event this time, we hope you can join us at our next park event!